Niels works as your “solar agent” - in your best interest
Working primarily with customer-sited PV and battery systems
From net zero energy to a few percent of a site’s electricity use
No affiliations with PV or battery system dealers, distributors, or installers
Congregation of the Sisters of St. Agnes are solar powered, Fond du Lac WI (photo: Niels Wolter)
Owner’s Agent Services
solar PV and battery systems
Client education
Site assessments
Feasibility studies - quick desk studies to detailed reports
Cash flow and financial analysis
Analyzing financing options - including third party ownership
Analyzing 15-minute energy use and solar generation
Schematic PV system design
Writing grants
Authoring request for proposals (RFPs)
Running competitive bids
Leading bidder selection, Q&A, and site visits
Reviewing bid specification documents
Reviewing purchase and installation contracts
Technology selection
Warranty and replacement strategies
Permitting and Interconnection support
System monitoring
Solar Consultant
Environmental review
Regulatory/legal/policy studies
Policy development
Market assessments
Marketing support
PV promotion support
Holy Wisdom Monastery, Middleton, WI, Photo Provided by H&H Solar